Som3 Takeaway weekenders

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Here at som3 we’ve noticed a distinct lack of spend in the Customer entertaining line of our P&L (which is usually pretty full of spend, no thanks to our MD!), not to mention not a great deal of ‘Staff Entertainment’ going on of late! (Team som3 are quite partial to a few beers after work, or at least we were ‘back in the day’ pre-Covid). For us highly social types who thrive on interacting as a team both in work & play and getting out there in front of Customers over lunch/dinner and free flowing vino, things are proving rather grim during Lockdown 3.0 (well, the last 12 months pretty much!).

So we’ve decided to tuck into that line in the budget to see if we can make a bit of a dent in it at least, and spread a bit of employee wellbeing whilst working on those ever expanding Lockdown waistlines!.

Regular £75 a head budget, get a takeaway and some plonk in (or just spend it all on plonk!) for the weekend….slap it on expenses. What’s not too like. Yum, hic!.